
Recent Additions to Nephrology Faculty

Division of Nephrology

Recruited in FY 2014

Didier Portilla, MD

Didier Portilla, MD

Didier Portilla, an outstanding physician scientist who is highly regarded in the international nephrology community, joined the UVA faculty in July 2014 as Professor of Medicine. From 1991 until coming to UVA, he was at the University of Arkansas, where he served in numerous roles, including: clinical co-director for the renal block of the School of Medicine’s new curriculum; staff physician at the John McClellan Memorial Veterans Hospital in Little Rock; director of the Renal Outpatient Clinic; and member of the advisory board of the Biomedical Research Foundation. Dr. Portilla is a permanent member of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (DDK-D) study section, and on the editorial board of Kidney International. Dr. Portilla is the Program Director of the NIH-NIDDK-funded T32 grant, “Training Program in the Pathophysiology of Renal Disease.” He brings to UVA his ongoing research programs, funded by NIH R01 and VA Merit grants, focusing on the role of PPARalpha in acute kidney injury and renal fibrosis.

Sana Khan, MD

Sana Khan, MD

Sana Khan, Instructor of Medicine, completed her fellowship training in Nephrology at UVA, and joined the Nephrology faculty in September 2014. Her clinical focus is peritoneal dialysis.


Joined Faculty in July 2013

Jay Patel, MD

Jay Patel, MD

Jay Patel, Assistant Professor of Medicine, completed fellowship training in Nephrology at UVA and was chief fellow in 2012-13. Dr. Patel joined the faculty in July 2013, and is based at Augusta Hospital, where he staffs an outpatient chronic kidney disease clinic and a hemodialysis unit, and provides inpatient service.

Brendon Bowman and Angie Nishio-Luca

Brendon Bowman, MD and Angie Nishio-Luca, MD

Brendan Bowman, Assistant Professor of Medicine, completed fellowship training in Nephrology at UVA and was chief fellow during 2012-13. Dr. Bowman serves as Medical Director of the Orange Dialysis Unit and sees patients at UVA Hospital, Martha Jefferson Hospital, and UVA Piedmont Nephrology Clinic. He is associate program director of the Nephrology Fellowship Program. His clinical interest is in government regulation of dialysis services.

Angie Nishio, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Transplant Nephrology, completed a fellowship in nephrology and transplant nephrology at UVA. Her clinical scope includes both transplantation and chronic kidney disease. She maintains a clinic at Piedmont Nephrology at Zion Crossroads.