
Profile: Hillary Maitland, MD

Division of Hematology & Oncology
FACULTY PROFILE: Hillary Maitland, MD

Watch this video about Dr. Hillary Maitland, MD

Watch this video to learn more about Hillary.

I’ve been at UVA for six years. I moved here for my internal medicine residency, stayed for my hematology fellowship and joined the faculty in July 2013. I live in Charlottesville with my husband, Rich, and my beagle, Jemma, the World’s Greatest Dog.

Why healthcare?

I’m nosy and a bit bossy. As a doctor you are allowed to ask people all kinds of personal questions and provide advice with impunity. Hematology drew my interest because the science of coagulation is interesting; I like the diagnostic challenge of bleeding and clotting disorders.

Why UVA?

I grew up outside of Philadelphia and attended Temple Medical School. After graduation, I wanted to live somewhere less urban, and UVA and Charlottesville certainly fit that ticket. I was delighted to be interviewed for residency, thrilled to be chosen, and I’ve been here ever since.

What excites you about your work?

The division has brought on many new faculty members and is participating in an expanding number of clinical trials. I’m excited to be in the midst of so much growth and change.

Proudest achievement outside the professional realm?

Maintaining strong family connections. Most of my family lives in New Jersey; whenever I need a dose of temperamental or uninhibited behavior, I give one of them a call. These calls remind me why I live in Charlottesville.

What are you usually doing on the weekend?

We recently moved into a house that’s a fixer-upper, so we spend most weekends working on the house and in the yard. I have a greatly misplaced confidence in myself when it comes to home improvement projects — it all looks so easy on Pinterest.

Most admired person and best advice?

My maternal grandmother, Josephine, always told me, “Don’t let the bastards get you down.” This advice applies to most circumstances. Josephine was once described by an E.D. physician as a “tough old bird”; she survived childhood tuberculosis and approached the rest of her life with a fighting spirit. She was certainly opinionated and outspoken at times, but maintained a sense of humor through the most difficult situations.

What about you would surprise us?

I have always had a very strong fashion sense. As soon as I was old enough to speak, my wardrobe was carefully curated by myself. I’m also an avid knitter, though my attention span limits me to accessories only.